DHUnplugged #559: Invest Like You Meme It

The “meme” stocks are on fire. Throw some money at it and the world’s richest will be yours – right?

Coins getting thrashed as new regulatory comments swirl around.

Inflation? Numbers coming this week…

A quick look at all of the goodies announce at the Apple WWDC.

Announcing a new CTP – PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts!

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DHUnplugged #553: Frenzy

The mega-tech earnings are rolling in…

Seeing a buying frenzy in all sorts of assets. Housing prices are ramping higher and used car prices are off the charts.

Awaiting the tax hikes from the Biden administration and trying to figure out how they will impact the economy/stocks.

Fed Limericks are Back – PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts!

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