DHUnplugged #343: It’s a Wrap Rap

The last show of the year – and what a great year it has been! Markets providing great opportunities as news giving us endless topics to discuss.

Why do people listen to DHUnplugged? We have a good list of answers from listeners that you may want to hear. Also, some of the exciting things we did on the show during the 2016 year and what we learned this year that was important.

John and Andrew close out the year with some thoughts on what was, and what will be.


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DHUnplugged #342: What Are Animal Spirits Anyway?

The Fed finally hikes rates. Trump wins the election again.

Animal Spirits are alive and well – but what does that mean anyway?

We take a look at how in the world Uber is losing millions of dollars and how markets are reacting to the recent Fed rate hike.

Plus, another major breach at Yahoo!, Nike’s earnings and more…

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DHUnplugged #341: Approaching Nosebleed Territory?

Markets are on a march higher with the 20,000 mark just ahead for the DJIA. It appears that the momentum crowd is pushing so that they can get nosebleedready to put on their double party hats for the new year.

But, is are markets approaching nosebleed levels and ready for corrective action?

We take a good, hard look at the fundamentals underlying the rally and all of the important (and unimportant) business news.


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Another crisis, another move higher for markets. Italy’s NO vote was supposed to hit the Euro and the regions financial sector. It did, but just for about 20 minutes. Just one more crisis that turned out to be a reason to buy stocks.dh340

News of a new way to shop brought to us from Amazon, Trump’s Tweets and market news. All of this and much more on this jam-packed episode.


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DHUnplugged #339 – TrumpOnomics

Yes, they are calling it TrumpOnomics now. The idea that we will see a massive fiscal spend with the Republicans now going to be in control. trumponimics

GDP comes in strong, consumer confidence runs higher and now the probability for a Fed move in December is almost 100%

What next? DJIA 20,000, 25,000?

Fake news is helping the “real” news media it appears. Is there something more to this?

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DHUnplugged #338: Trump’d – Part Deux

A technology snafu meant that last week we were unable to provide audio with the show. So, this week we will cover some of the important items that were on the slate as well as new ones that need to be flushed out.trumpd

Some interesting insight into markets, politics and other newsworthy items in this episode.

Plus, we are getting ready for the final showdown of the DHUnplugged CTP Cup.


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DHUnplugged #337: TRUMP’D (No Audio)

What an upset! Not many predicted that outcome for the U.S. elections. The Republicans swept Congress and now investors are putting in their bets with companies that they believe will benefit from a massive fiscal stimulus package and lower taxes.trumpd

An impressive rotation within markets and a lack of a sell-off has many people wondering what happened. It was not supposed to work this way – was it?

Some interesting insight into markets, politics and other newsworthy items in this episode.

** Important Note – Technology meltdown and audio lost. Had to overhaul entire studio – so no audio **

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DHUnplugged #336: Hallelujah… Is It Over?

Elections! Finally the day has arrived and we are about to see who will take the big seat at the top of the U.S. political system. dh_electionsover

What has been one of the most cantankerous campaigns in recent history will finally provide some relief that we won’t be subjected to anymore debates and commercials related to this event. Hallelujah!

Markets rallied on Monday as the FBI announced that the Clinton email issue is put to bed – for the time being at least.


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DHUnplugged #335: Election Jitters

Markets are getting jittery ahead of the election and any news of a rate hike before the end of the year. The U.S. dollar plunged on worries over the impact of the Clinton email scandal and metals rallied.dh335

Microsoft announced a new Surface desktop that looks to rival Apple’s iMac.

Plus – an update on the next big IPO and what is going on in the tech sector.

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DHUnplugged #334: Mega Merger Mania

Mega mergers announces over the weekend helped to keep some interest in markets. After being down for the past few, markets were able to put in a gain over the last week.dh_merger

Big announcements this week as it is one of the heaviest for this earnings reporting period. Amazon, Google and many others are set to report.

Will the Fed raise this year? What about the price of bonds, gold and other important commodities.

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