DHUnplugged #352: Nothing To Worry About

Investors are in the mood to buy everything (aside from Gold) these days. Bitcoin hits a record, markets are vacillating near the highs and the VIX is once again hovering right around 11.

Even with some of the overbought readings – there seems no stopping this rally. There is seemingly nothing to worry about. But is there?

A look at the latest technological innovation in our time (think sex) and plenty of newsworthy topics explored in this episode.

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DHUnplugged #351: You’re On Your Own

With President Trump unveiling some details on his plan to Congress today- will markets have a sell the news moment?

The DJIA marks history with a 12 day advance – not seen since 1987. Correlations are now being drawn to that historic year. and the event on Black Monday.

What we are looking at that will move markets and an update on the Weekly Stock Picks.

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DHUnplugged #350: Your Job Is Being Replaced

Seems that upwards of 50% of jobs around the world will be replaced by robotics and automation over the coming decades.

Crude inventories are rising as is the price of oil. What is going on?

We take a look at the concern over sanctuary cities, market internals, world economics and more.

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DHUnplugged #349: Trumpthusiasm

There is plenty of excitement about the potential for tax reform. Stocks are showing extraordinary resilience in the face of headwinds and the uptrend continues. According to Goldman Sachs – Trumpthusiasm is running out. But is it really?

New highs for markets and the concern that the Fed may become more hawkish is swirling around.

Passenger drones, Twitter’s earnings and Playboy’s decision to go back to nudies.  Plenty of items on the list to discuss today and not to forget that we are now streaming LIVE at 9pm with a listener chatroom – every Tuesday.

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DHUnplugged #348: EuroZone on The Rocks

There is trouble in the EuroZone and unfortunately, nothing has changed over there.

Employment reports continue to provide evidence that the U.S. economy is strong, even as there is some weakness outside of our borders. From what it seems, that is the plan as protectionism is on the rise.

Plenty of items on the list to discuss today and not to forget that we are now streaming LIVE at 9pm with a listener chatroom – every Tuesday.

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DHunplugged #347: Trading Trump Tweets

Tweets by President Trump have been causing some market chaos. Traders have been trying to get a handle on the way to best use these to their benefit, but it is not an easy task.

Earnings season is now showing a much different outcome than was seen in the first week as many companies are having a difficult time with the high dollar and global market conditions.

There is plenty to discuss and we are on the job – bringing you the best in finance and ideas to profit.

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DHUnplugged #346: Giving You The Best Alternative Facts

President Trump – plenty of activities already with comments, executive orders and directives. Markets appear confused with all of the back and forth commentary from Twitter and official White House sources.

Earnings season is underway and there will be plenty of companies reporting over the next couple of weeks.

Alternative Facts have been around for a while withing the world of investing – we name some of the most common.

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DHUnplugged #345: Wait and See Mode

Markets have been digesting the gains since the election and now waiting to see if President-Elect Trump can implement some of the campaign promises.

Tax relief, regulatory reform, employment and GDP growth – what will become a reality and what will remain as hopeful ambitions?

Businesses are swooning over Trump and telling him what he wants to hear: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs – But are they saying anything more than they originally planned?

A few stock ideas, the results of the 2016 DHUnplugged CTP Cup and more.

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And The 2016 DHUnplugged CTP Cup Winner Is….

Congratulations to John Jeffers. He beat out all of the past winners from the 2016 Closest to The Pin competitions to claim this coveted award.

John came within 0.03% of the final value for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. That is pretty amazing considering all of the volatility that was seen.

Not only does John hold the title of Champion (along with bragging rights), but he was awarded some great prizes along with the Championship Trophy.

Listen in to DHUnplugged and find out when the next Closest to The Pin Contest is announced for your chance to enter.

DHUnplugged #344 – Let The Games Begin

2017 is here and we are ready to provide the latest on what is happening in markets and around the world.

Already algo trading is driving markets as there is plenty of economic news reported and Trump Tweeting ferociously.

A review of the best and worst sectors of 2016 and maybe what to expect in the year ahead…

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