DHUnplugged #492: Hard Stop

Markets stage a stunning comeback after a horrific week.

Updates on the Baltic Dry Index – shows that global trade is suffering since peaking in September 2019.

Tesla finally comes back down to earth – for a day – and an update on the impact of the fast spreading CoronaVirus.

YES – Limericks are Back!

PLUS we are now on Spotify !

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DHUnplugged #491: All-Clear Or All-Fear ?

Investors are re-rating global growth in light of the CornaVirus outbreak – maybe.

Tax hikes are being floated as plans to help middle income earners by the democratic candidates – how is that going to win over voters?

Markets around the world on edge – but is this

PLUS we are now on Spotify !

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DHUnplugged #490: Elites Gather On The Slopes

Nothing going to derail the U.S. equity rally – even selling pressure after a new deadly virus strikes China has limited impact.

Upgrades are coming in fast and furious – earnings season will be a checkpoint for analysts.

Better news out of Europe – hopes for the bottoming process to take hold.

Davos confab – the billionaires meet.

PLUS we are now on Spotify !

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DHUnplugged #489: Heel on Throat

Here we are again – earnings seasons and banks are making lots of money.

The Phase 1 trade deal is scheduled to be signed on Wednesday (1/15/20) – what does it mean for markets?

MJ stocks may again be in the spotlight…Tesla hits all-time highs and more…

PLUS we are now on Spotify !

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DHUnplugged #488: A Fresh Dose of Froth

Tension in the Middle East – what happens if oil prices surge? You will be surprised to hear what we found.

Historical wartime market performance explored with @therealdvorak

The new year starts with investors looking to get in on the action – no matter how frothy market conditions have become.

PLUS we are now on Spotify !

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DHUnplugged #483: The Tariff Man Strikes Again (Notes Only)

Show Notes for the show that never happened….

The last few weeks for this decade. Stocks having a banner year with only a few hurdles remaining.

China trade deal remains elusive with the potential for an increase in tariffs set for December 15.

Plenty of interesting topics, a new brainteaser and a look at recent economic trends.

PLUS we are now on Spotify !

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