DHUnplugged #497: Keep Your Distance

Is this it? The end?  Bible says – Nonbelievers who make up that world “will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction.” – 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 OR is this just a temporary setback that will pass in time? It seems like it is just getting worse by the minute – what will be the “all […]

DHUnplugged #496: Crash Bang Boom

MASSIVE CRASH – Oil, Stocks, Bond yields…. A massive stimulus package is being planned – payroll tax holiday? Volatility rockets to highs not seen since the Great Recession…. YES – Limericks are Back! PLUS we are now on Spotify ! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:01:13 — 56.3MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHUnplugged #495: Dead Cat Bounce?

Ugly markets at extreme oversold levels – bounce back and test the fortitude of the sellers (and buyers). China comes in with the worst manufacturing and service numbers on record. The Fed is in the spotlight as bets are that a significant rate cut is on the way. YES – Limericks are Back! PLUS we […]

DHUnplugged #494: High Alert

Investors getting worried about pandemic potential. Stocks having worst day of the year… Bonds are bought – history is made on yields. Covid-19 spreading – Italy, Iran, South Korea on high alert. Health officials warned that spread of coronavirus in US appears inevitable at this point – not helping markets get any footing…. YES – […]

DHUnplugged #493: Bad Apple

Apple warns that the will not meet their guidance. China still remains virtually shut down – but U.S. investors do not seem to care. Japan’s GDP print, Contactless Pickup and Delivery – and more. YES – Limericks are Back! PLUS we are now on Spotify ! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:03:15 […]

DHUnplugged #492: Hard Stop

Markets stage a stunning comeback after a horrific week. Updates on the Baltic Dry Index – shows that global trade is suffering since peaking in September 2019. Tesla finally comes back down to earth – for a day – and an update on the impact of the fast spreading CoronaVirus. YES – Limericks are Back! […]

DHUnplugged #491: All-Clear Or All-Fear ?

Investors are re-rating global growth in light of the CornaVirus outbreak – maybe. Tax hikes are being floated as plans to help middle income earners by the democratic candidates – how is that going to win over voters? Markets around the world on edge – but is this PLUS we are now on Spotify ! […]

DHUnplugged #490: Elites Gather On The Slopes

Nothing going to derail the U.S. equity rally – even selling pressure after a new deadly virus strikes China has limited impact. Upgrades are coming in fast and furious – earnings season will be a checkpoint for analysts. Better news out of Europe – hopes for the bottoming process to take hold. Davos confab – […]

DHUnplugged #489: Heel on Throat

Here we are again – earnings seasons and banks are making lots of money. The Phase 1 trade deal is scheduled to be signed on Wednesday (1/15/20) – what does it mean for markets? MJ stocks may again be in the spotlight…Tesla hits all-time highs and more… PLUS we are now on Spotify ! Podcast: […]

DHUnplugged #488: A Fresh Dose of Froth

Tension in the Middle East – what happens if oil prices surge? You will be surprised to hear what we found. Historical wartime market performance explored with @therealdvorak The new year starts with investors looking to get in on the action – no matter how frothy market conditions have become. PLUS we are now on […]