
DHUnplugged #328: Hakuna Matata Markets

Back to the trading desks – summer is over and now we may see trading volume pick up as there is plenty of news that may move markets. ISM manufacturing and services reports point to a slowdown while markets remain calm and investors ready to buy any dip. Markets now seem to be in a […]

DHUnplugged #327: Contra-Dick-Shuns

It was quite the week. First, there was the Fed’s Vice Chair talking up a rate hike – just after Janet Yellen provided a rather dovish speech. Then contrary to what Bill Ackman told the world about Carl Ichan looking to sell his large stake in Herbalife (HLF) – only to announce after the close […]

DHUnplugged #326: Mayo’s Slippery Slope

OPEC is at it again – trying to rescue the price of oil by scare tactics and promises of “potential” production freeze. Unfortunately, while the Saudi oil minister says one thing, IRAQ and IRAN say another. New home sales in the U.S .are on on fire as interest rates are near record lows. Meanwhile the […]

DHUnplugged #325 – Don’t Raise the Bridge, Lower The River

Now that central banks are starting to get the point that more of the same is not working, they are looking to change their targets. Markets slip from all-time highs as China and U.S. economic data softens. Inflation tame, GDP slow, just another day at the eco-office. Many of the well-known hedge funds are dumping […]

DHUnplugged #324: The 3-Day Workweek

Employment numbers keep on showing signs of a strong economy. On the other hand, productivity showed a massive drop. Market continue to creep higher – even in light of valuations and headwinds as the search for yield continues. Olympic update! What is the deal with advertisers dropping Facebook? And much more … See this week’s […]

DHUnplugged # 323: Welcome To Zikami

Stocks are reaching levels that may not be sustainable. With European stress tests under scrutiny, banks within the region are getting hit hard while Greek banks have been upgraded from selective default. The CDC is now warning people to stay away from Miami as the Zika virus has been showing up more frequently – specifically […]

DHUnplugged #322: Earnings Deluge

Investors are waiting for the Fed to help prop up markets as over 200 companies are scheduled to report earnings this week. While 68% of companies are beating earnings, not so much discussion about the currency tailwind they are seeing. What happened to transparency? The RNC and DNC have some great scandals on their hands […]

DHUnplugged #321: Energizer Bunny Markets

Markets acting like the Energizer Bunny – Keeps going an going and going… Seems that world events, economic headwinds and even coup attempts are not enough to dissuade investors from throwing their money into stocks. Earnings season is well underway with hundreds of companies reporting over the next couple of weeks. John nails it with […]

DHUnplugged #320: Pokeman GO Markets

Brexit turned out to be nothing. In fact markets making new highs as the promise of stimulus and liquidity quiet market fears. Meanwhile, several U.K. based real estate funds are denying withdrawals as investors are pulling out too much money. Bonds rallying hard along with equities as the flight to safety pushes sovereign debt “more” […]

DHUnplugged #319: Brexit Wrecks It

The Brexit vote sent shock wave throughout financial markets. What really happened and what is the outlook for Europe and the rest of the world? Is there a chance for a re-vote and an undo of the referendum? Markets jolted, financial leaders say be calm, but is this a short-term sell off or is something […]