DHUnplugged #182: Fecal Matters

58% of public pools have been found to have feces in the water. Just some of the items of interest in this episode. We also talk about the global markets as well as the current state of affairs with the Fed. Some interesting comments about the SAC hedge fund insider trading fiasco and closure.

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DHUnplugged #179: Market ALL A Twitter

The computers took over once the (false) Tweet was released that there was a bombing in  the White House and President Obama had been injured. We discuss how the algos may have exacerbated the sell-off and subsequent rally. Also, Apple (AAPL) earnings and more….


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DHUnplugged #177: Something is Fishy Here….

We have a new site, thanks to Nick the Rat (Not sure if that is his real name). In this episode, we talk about upcoming economic reports to watch as well as some important updates on Cyprus. We also dig into the fishy moves for some of the HMO and health stocks ahead of the recent Medicare reimbursement decision.



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DHUnplugged #175: Themes and Memes, Plus the Netflix (NFLX) Challenge

China’s economics and the freefall of the Yen are topics we hit on as well as the latest themes and memes that we seem to focus on regularly. A few stocks and a Netflix Challenge – one of us is short and the other long…. Hear all about our thoughts on the markets



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