Short Ideas

DHUnplugged #221: Food Prices Skyrocket, Chipotle Plunge?

Food prices are moving higher – what does this mean for some of the restaurant stocks? Chipotle  Mexican Grill (CMG) will be reporting on Thursday – we weigh in on how to play it. Also, we look at the highest paid CEOs, the amazing prices of apartments in London along with the U.S. Airways tweet… […]

DHUnplugged: #219/#220: Clueless Pundits and Idiotic Rainfall Futures

We are aghast that there are actually rainfall futures traded… Bah! More importantly we ask the question: Was John Stamos on Happy Days? We talk about the recent market sell-off and the pundits who are predicting more downside, more upside – in other words they have no idea and why is anyone listening to them? […]

DHUnplugged #214: The Markets In A Nutshell

We have some fun with the funny joke that Mr. Putin played on the world. Was he short the market looking for a quick score? Facebook’s purchase of a drone company is discussed, although we still have no idea what that is all about… Stocks to watch and economics of interest as well as some […]

DHUnplugged #212: Stimulus Will Cause the Next Depression

Is there a way to arbitrage Bitcoin? Prices are diverging by hundreds of dollars. John has a theory on what will eventual be the cause of the next economic downturn. Tesla’s (TSLA) earnings are on the way and John is taking a stab at the short side. Listen in to some of the reasons why… […]

DHUnplugged #209 – Turkish Rubbish

Turkey and other emerging market currencies are unraveling. We discuss this as well as some other important topics such as pig heads, bird flu and others. We also dig into the State of the Union address and have some interesting stock ideas…. Horowitz has a series of trading indicators now available for Tradestation – HERE […]

DH Unplugged #125 – Everything Is For Sale (Especially $16 Muffins)

Here is our latest conversation …. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we highlight a discussion about the global mess and government waste. Priceline (PCLN) is an interesting short idea. We are now tracking the idea stocks that Andrew and John highlight in each episode. Here is the link… Join in […]

DHUnplugged #106: Up, Up and Away – AND Shorting Silver?

Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we look closely at the market’s short-lived hiccup… NEW! We are now tracking the idea stocks that Andrew and John highlight in each episode. Here is the link… News and items from this […]

DH Unplugged # 72 – Talking About Tesla (TSLA) and Starbucks (SBUX)

Here is our latest conversation …. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we highlight a discussion about specific stocks to examine. What does the stress tests really mean? We answer listener questions regarding their stocks…. Starbucks (SBUX) a short? Also, what is up with Microsoft (MSFT)? NEW! We are now tracking […]

DHUnplugged # 48 – The Bankers Win Again!

Here is our latest conversation …. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week John and Andrew host a discussion about specific stocks to examine. Plus: 4 stocks – long and short… NEW! We are now tracking the stocks that Andrew recommends each episode. Here is the link… Listen to reasons why and […]

DHUnplugged: CRAP and Trade (plus Gloom and Doom)

Here is the latest conversation (#27) with John C. Dvorak and money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. Ever think about short-selling? Horowitz has been uncanny at predicting the recent market movement. What to do? This chat is presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in. Among other things, […]